Black Pearl: It smelled strongly of cocoa powder and was topped with black sesames. The outer shell was resistant but only hard enough contain the smooth semi-liquid center. The core was so utterly creamy and slightly paste-like in texture. The sesames gave the whole piece a subtle crunch, and the fire from the wasabi dances lightly on the tongue. There was also a smattering of ginger that was apparent.
Woolloomooloo: I'm proud to say that this is the only milk-chocolate piece in my box. Like the Black Pearl, it was a rigid orb but the inside wasn't nearly as smooth. It may be due to the fact that I waited longer to consume it. Macadamia nuts were mixed with the chocolate inside and the coconut shreds provided a nice play on texture.
Top: Black Pearl, Red Fire; Bottom: Woolloomooloo, Balsamico
Balsalmico: The hazelnut garnish didn't do much for the entire confection. The strong balsamic flavor mixed well with the bitterness of the dark chocolate.Red Fire: The intriguing red speckles over the dark ball reminded me of frogs in a rain forest, warning predators of a hazard that will befall them upon consumption. As someone who is sensitive to heat, I detected very little spice from the ancho chilies while it rolled on my tongue but it left a tingly aftertaste.
The website states that the truffles should be refrigerated until time of consumption. I was not made aware of this and now I'm saddened by the strong possibility of my chocolates tasting x times better.
520 N. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 644-9450
Nice review, but yikes! $2.25 a piece?
They're quite eccentric...balsamic...spicy, etc. Which one was your fav?
I'd go for the Woolloomooloo!
Yeah, I didn't even work out the math until I got home and wrote the review.
The interesting flavors definitely drew me to Vosges. And although I'm usually a milk chocolate lover, I'm partial to the dark chocolate pieces at Vosges. I really enjoyed the Balsalmico and Red Fire. I can't wait to try the other flavors. Luckily, there's a "boutique" at Vegas.
Thanks for reading!
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